SimplicityYA Shopping List is about simplicity. It is designed to do your job fast and easy.
Today ListAdd the items you need to buy today fast directly from the main screen. All the items will be automatically deleted when the day ends. |
Versatile Shopping List WindowThe most time you will spent into the main shopping list screen. You can add fast the items you need to buy. Once the items are added you can:
Barcode ScannerThis feature will come in handy when you create a shopping list or when you start following one (when you go shopping).
CatalogThe YA Shopping List application comes with a predefined catalog with items you can choose from. The products are ordered by categories which makes the navigation easier. You can always use the search option available, as well. If you find the content of the catalog insufficient you can add your own categories and items. |
Create ListYou don’t much like the catalog browsing? You have just received and e-mail with products to buy (e.g. from your spouse, roommate, or friend)? The Create List menu is just for you. Type or paste the items for your new shopping list. If you paste a list of items, use for delimiter: ‘new line’ or ‘,’ (comma) so the application will order the products correctly. Click the “Create” button, choose a name for your shopping list and the list is done for you. If the products already exist in the catalog they will be reused, otherwise new one will be created. |
CalculatorYou need to know how much money you will pay at the cash-desk? YA Shopping list provides the Calculator. You can use it to add the price of every item you buy and you will have a list with all prices and the total sum. If you buy a product that has a price for a kilogram for example use the multiply function to calculate the right price. If you buy more than one item with the same price, add it once and press plus button multiple times. |
TaxThe stores in some countries publish the prices without tax. Using the settings of the application you can specify a tax in percents. When you are working with a shopping list at the toolbar you have the prices in your cart and the total sum. Swipe left or right over them to see the sums with and without tax. Using the keyboard you add the price without tax and in the list you see all the prices with and without taxes. You can additionally set custom tax per product. |
Sharing and TemplatesYou want to share some of your shopping lists with your spouse, friend, etc. It is easy to do that with YA Shopping List. Using the share option you can send via e-mail each one of the shopping lists that you have. When your spouse or friend receives an e-mail with your shopping list they can import it directly in the YA Shopping List app. If you do a lot of similar shoppings you can use templates. You can create a template from scratch or save an existing shopping list as a template. Once you have the template created you can use it as a base to create a new shopping list. |